Diversified Business Operations
Leadership Across Segments We offer a wide range of products across our diversified yet integrated business segments that meet the stringent quality and sustainability norms of industrial customers across various sectors. We are amongst the leading player in each of these segments with multiple enablers which we are leveraging on to strengthen our competitive positioning. {"type":"horizontalBar","data":{"labels":["Basic Chemicals","Fine and Speciality Chemicals","Performance Products","Phenolics"],"datasets":[{"label":"Contribution to Total Revenue from Operations(%)","backgroundColor":"#693bff","borderColor":"#693bff","data":["17.31","17.45","6.93","58.31"],"borderWidth":"0"},{"label":"Contribution to EBIT(%)","backgroundColor":"#006efd","borderColor":"#006efd","data":["16.46","28.19","1.91","53.44"],"borderWidth":"0"}]},"options":{"animation":{"duration":2000},"maintainAspectRatio":true,"tooltips":{"enabled":true,"mode":"index","intersect":false,"bodySpacing":8,"titleSpacing":6,"cornerRadius":8,"xPadding":10},"legend":{"display":true,"position":"bottom","labels":{"usePointStyle":false,"padding":20,"boxWidth":16}},"scales":{"yAxes":[{"ticks":{"fontColor":"222","beginAtZero":true},"gridLines":{"color":"rgba(43, 43, 43, 0.2)","zeroLineColor":"rgba(43, 43, 43, 0.6)"}}]}}} Basic ChemicalsFine & SpecialityPerformance ProductsPhenolicsBasic Chemicals OVERVIEW Standard products manufactured in bulk. High volume, business. PRODUCTS Sodium Nitrite, Sodium Nitrate, Nitro Toluidines, Fuel Additives, Nitrosyl Sulphuric Acid APPLICATION DIVERSITY Colourants, Petrochemicals, Rubber, Agrochemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Water Treatment, Glass Industries, Industrial Explosives and Fuel Additives VALUE DRIVER Cost leadership Large scale production Fine & Speciality OVERVIEW Specialised and exclusive products specially customised as per the clients’ recommendation, low volumes, business. PRODUCTS Xylidines, Oximes, Cumidines, Speciality Agrochemicals APPLICATION DIVERSITY Agrochemicals, Colours & Pigments, Paper, Personal Care, Pharmaceuticals etc. VALUE DRIVER Technical skills and technology competence to handle complex reactions Ability to meet clients’ specific needs Niche area with limited competition Performance Products OVERVIEW Products with stringent requirements in terms of technical specifications, and hence perform in manufacturing process of customer, directly. PRODUCTS Optical Brightening Agent (OBA), DASDA APPLICATION DIVERSITY Paper, Detergents, Textiles, Coating Applications in Printing and Photographic, Paper VALUE DRIVER Ability to manufacture products with stringent performance and technical requirements Leading fully integrated manufacturer of OBA (optical brightening agents) Phenolics OVERVIEW Products substituting imports. PRODUCTS Phenol, Acetone, Cumene, Isopropyl Alcohol APPLICATION DIVERSITY Laminate & Plywood, Pharmaceuticals, Adhesives, Sanitisers, Rubber, Chemicals, Paints etc. VALUE DRIVER Lowest thermal footprint Among the most reliable players in the domestic market Enabling import substitution